Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Jimmie & Leon Short - "Old Indians Never Die" (1947)

Some good ol' Delmore Bros.-type harmonizin' from the 1947 feature Hollywood Barn Dance. Yes, that's Ernest Tubb intro-ing the Shorts...

I ripped this off PappyStuckey's Youtube page. This guy manages to find the cool/rare C&W and Jazz clips. Amazing stuff.

I've been real busy with a bunch of personal stuff (nothing bad, all good) and I haven't had the time to dedicate to this blog like I used to. Hopefully that will all change, so keep coming back and check out Sick's Sick Six too. That's my other blog with more Horror/weird/crazy stuff.
Thanks, HG

1 comment:

  1. OMG! That's my great-uncles (my grandmother's brothers)!! I grew up wearing J.M. & The Silver Saddle Roundup shirts as my PJs, and sitting at Leon's knee every weekend while he & I talked about anything & everything...

    Do you know where I can get that video? We have a lot of audio recordings, but almost no video of them.
